Chloe Eudaly is a Portlander, a writer, a renter, a former bookseller and publisher, and a lifelong activist. Chloe is also the eighth woman elected to Portland City Council in its over 100-year history, and she’s running for a second term.
Chloe Eudaly’s story of activism and political involvement stems from her lived experience—she came of age as an activist during the first Gulf War and has been proudly involved in a variety of social, economic, and environmental justice causes ever since. Chloe Eudaly was the owner and operator of the independent press bookshop, Reading Frenzy (est. 1994), the founder of Show & Tell Press, and the co-founder of the Independent Publishing Resource Center—a maker space for self-publishers. As a young low-wage worker, she first gave testimony to the Oregon State Legislature advocating on behalf of a living wage for childcare providers. Chloe Eudaly is the parent of a child with a disability—her experience raising her son increased her involvement with school advocacy and honed her focus on improved access and outcomes for students with disabilities.
Chloe Eudaly was inspired to run for office by Portland’s affordable housing crisis. In 2015, Chloe Eudaly created and moderated an online community named “The Shed.” The Shed explored gentrification, displacement, affordable housing, tenants' rights, and quickly drew thousands of members—it became a hub for information, housing resources, and a springboard for local activism. The Shed encouraged Chloe Eudaly to run for elected office—her candidacy was propelled by a grassroots movement of Portland voters who recognized how vital it was to elect a progressive renter to Portland City Council.
Since she took office in 2017, Commissioner Chloe Eudaly quickly developed and passed two historic tenant protection policies that serve to stabilize renters and decrease barriers to housing: the Mandatory Rental Relocation Ordinance (Relo) and the Fair Access In Renting (FAIR) Ordinance. Commissioner Chloe Eudaly currently serves as the Commissioner-in-Charge of the Portland Bureau of Transportation, the Office of Community & Civic Life, and manages the Arts Portfolio. In her role, she has advanced notable initiatives addressing climate change, air pollution, immigration removal defense, transportation justice, and racial equity. And Commissioner Chloe Eudaly continues to be a strong advocate on Portland City Council for disability rights, the arts community, and small businesses.
Commissioner Chloe Eudaly has made historic progress in her time on Portland City Council. However, the fact remains that too many Portland residents still struggle to pay their rent. Too many Portlanders live paycheck to paycheck. Too many Portlanders lack safe and sustainable transportation options. Too many Portlanders remain underrepresented and underserved by systems and structures that were not designed to include them. And we are all facing a looming climate catastrophe with no time to waste.
There is more work to do for underserved communities in Portland. Work to give all individuals and all coalitions a voice. Work to ensure that our children inherit a habitable planet. Work to deliver justice in transportation. Work to protect human rights. Work to make sure that Portland isn’t just the “city that works”— but work to guarantee that Portland is the city that works for everyone.
That’s why Chloe Eudaly is running for reelection. We’re not done. Vote Chloe Eudaly for Portland City Council (Commissioner, Position 4).