Commissioner Chloe Eudaly's suggested resources for Portland residents during the COVID-19 public health crisis.
Read Multnomah County's COVID-19 resource page for the latest public health guidance.
Read Mayor Wheeler's COVID-19 resource page for updates on City action.
Have you been laid off, lost work, or lost income due to COVID-19?
Request a forbearance for your student loan payment. Learn more here.
The Portland Water Bureau will NOT disconnect customers' water service due to billing/payment issues during this health emergency and will not charge late fees. Read more about the Portland Water Bureau's response and apply for financial assistance here.
Other Portland-area utility providers are suspending automatic service shutoffs in the event of nonpayment:
Portland General Electric (PGE): Find payment extension information here
Pacific Power: Call customer service at 1-888-221-7070
NW Natural: Customers should call (800) 226- 4211 and contact the billing department to make arrangements
If you are experiencing food insecurity, visit Congressman Blumenauer's COVID-19 Resources Page.
Resources for Portlanders Experiencing Homelessness
The City has placed additional portable toilets and handwashing stations, throughout the community: view the list and map of these locations.
The Homelessness and Urban Camping Impact Reduction Program (HUCIRP) is reducing the overall number of encampments that get posted and cleaned.
At this time, additional motel vouchers have all gone to shelter staff and will only go to those who are vulnerable to COVID-19 and those with symptoms who need to be moved out of the shelter environment.
Winter shelters will remain open during the State of Emergency.
Call 211 if you need services or shelter.
Resources for Renters
You cannot be evicted for nonpayment of rent due to COVID-19. Rent will continue to accrue with a repayment grace period of 6 months. Read the City's Eviction Moratorium FAQ.
Resources for Homeowners & Landlords
Contact your lender to learn what forbearance options are available to you. Read this article to learn more about what options are currently available.
Review the Portland Housing Bureau's list of Foreclosure Prevention Resources.
Resources for Mental Health
If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide there are two 24 hour hotlines:
NATIONAL Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) or 1-800-273-8255
Portland Suicide Lifeline: 503-972-3456—text "help" to 741-741
Other Crisis Lines:
Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255
David Romprey Warmline: 1-800-698-2392 (peer to peer counseling hotline)
Multnomah County Mental Health Crisis Line 503-988-4888
Alcohol and Drug Help Line 503-244-1312, 1-800-923-4357
Narcotics Anonymous Hotline: 503-727-3733, Alcoholics Anonymous Hotline: 503-223-8569
Clark County Crisis Line: 360-696-9560 24hrs
Child Abuse Reporting Line 503-731-3100
Winter Shelter Line (Nov 1 - March 15) 503-721-1500 or 211
Aging & Disability Services 24-hour Help Line 503-988-3646
Baby Blues Connection - 1-800-557-8375, women experiencing prenatal, postpartum or pregnancy loss
The Trevor Project Line: 1-866-488-7386 (LBGTQ)
Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-877-695-4648
Resources for Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Crisis Lines:
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Sexual Assault Resource Center 503-640-5311
Call to Safety (formerly Portland Women's Crisis Line) (translation available) 503-235-5333
Spanish Line 1-800-326-0441
Nation-wide Toll Free Number 1-888-235-5333
Bradley-Angle House 503-281-2442 - African-Americans
Raphael House 503-222-6222
Salvation Army West Women & Children's Shelter 503-224-7718
Volunteers of America Home Free Program: 503-771-5503 8am-6pm - long term post crisis support.
Clackamas Women's Services 503-654-2288
Washington County Domestic Violence Resource Center 503-640-5352
Vancouver Safechoice Shelter 360-695-0501
Monika's House 503-640-5352
Project UNICA 503-232-4448 24 hr hotline for Spanish-speaking and Latina survivors of DV
Resources for Small Businesses
Apply for a small business grant through Prosper Portland's small business relief fund.
View options for federal aid at the U.S. Small Business Association's COVID-19 Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources page.
Access small business resources through Senator Jeff Merkley's Operation: Main Street website.
Resources for Artists
Americans for the Arts COVID-19 Resource and Response Center.
COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resources.
National Endowment for the Arts Relief.
OPB's Help For Artists And Freelancers During The COVID-19 Pandemic.
What else is the City doing to respond to COVID-19?
Read Mayor Wheeler's COVID-19 Information Page.
Read the Portland Bureau of Transportation's COVID-19 FAQ.
Which businesses are open during the statewide Stay Home, Save Lives order?
See the full list at the Oregon Coronavirus Information and Resources Page.