In her first term on Portland City Council, Chloe Eudaly has earned the support of the following organizations and individuals in her re-election campaign:
Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley
U.S. Senator Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
Congressman Earl Blumenauer
State Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer
State Representative Karin Power
State Senator Sara Gelser
Former State Senator Chip Shields
Oregon House District 46 Democratic Primary Winner Khanh Pham
Metro President Lynn Peterson
Metro Councilor Bob Stacey
Metro Councilor Shirley Root Craddick
Metro Councilor Christine Lewis
Metro Councilor Juan Carlos Gonzalez
Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt
Former Portland City Commissioner Steve Novick
Former Portland City Commissioner Erik Sten
The Action PAC
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO)
Basic Rights Oregon (Green Light)
Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT) Action Fund
Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 7901
Latino Network Action Fund
Next Up Action Fund
Oregon League of Conservation Voters (OLCV)
Oregon Cannabis Association (OCA)
Oregon Childcare Project
Oregon Progressive Party
Oregon Retailers of Cannabis Association (ORCA)
Our Revolution
Portland Association of Teachers (PAT)
Portland Tenants United (PTU)
Portland Community College Federation of Faculty and Academic Professionals (PCCFFAP)
Professional and Technical Employees Local 17 (PROTEC17)
The Street Trust Action Fund
Sunrise Movement PDX
Unite Oregon Action
Portland Mercury (read it)
Willamette Week (read it)
Portland's Resistance Voter Guide (read it)
The Bitchtucci Voter Guide, General Election 2020 (read it)
Kathleen Saadat, Civil Rights Leader
The Reverend Dr. LeRoy Haynes, Jr., Civil Rights Leader
Eric K. Ward, Civil Rights Leader
Seemab Hussaini, Civil Rights Leader
Marcus Mundy, Racial Justice Leader
Cameron Whitten, Housing, Racial Justice, & LGBTQIA Advocate
Jackie Yerby, Transportation, Environmental, & LGBTQIA Advocate
Zakir Khan, Civil Rights Advocate
Ashton Simpson, Candidate for Oregon House District 47
Jason Kafoury, Campaign Finance Reform Advocate
Michael Alexander, Community and Business Leader
Elliott Young, Police Reform Advocate
Candace Avalos, Police Reform Advocate
Israel Bayer, Housing Advocate
Madeline Kovacs, Housing Advocate
Henry Kraemer, Housing Advocate
Dr. Lisa K. Bates, Housing Advocate
Laura Moulton, Homeless Advocate
Eli Spevak, Housing Developer/Advocate
Kari Schlosshauer, Transportation Advocate
Tony DeFalco, Environmental & Climate Justice Advocate
Tera Hurst, Climate Advocate
Bob Sallinger, Environmental Advocate
Travis Williams, Environmental Advocate
Nick Caleb, Environmental Advocate
Dawn Smallman, Environmental Advocate
Jim Labbe, Conservationist
Samantha Gladu, Reproductive Rights Advocate
Justin Pabalate, LGBTQIA Advocate
Stacey Rice, LGBTQIA Advocate
Angie Morrill, Klamath Tribes
Michael Bailey, Disability Advocate
Allen Hines, Disability Advocate
Emma Easley Darden, Co-Founder of Our Revolution PDX
Jim Brunberg, Business Owner and Arts Advocate
Brendon Constans, Owner, Lovejoy's Tea Room of Portland
Sean Davis, Purple Heart Combat Vet, Writer, and Educator
Thomas Lauderdale (Pink Martini)
Zia McCabe (Dandy Warhols)
Julie Keefe (former Creative Laureate of Portland)
Logan Lynn, Musician
Kate Bingaman-Burt, Illustrator & Designer
ADX, Art Design Exchange
Mark Woolley, Gallery Owner
No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge
No Cash From Cops Pledge
Ashton Simpson for Oregon House District 47
Khanh Pham for Oregon House District 46
Measure 26-213: Portland Parks & Recreation levy
Measure 26-218: Let's Get Moving 2020
Measure 110 - Drug Decriminalization and Addiction Treatment Initiative
Gas Tax Renewal May 2020 (Passed!)
HereTogether Regional Housing Measure May 2020 (Passed!)
Portland Clean Energy Fund November 2018 (Passed!)
Metro Housing Bond November 2018 (Passed!)
Jo Ann Hardesty for Portland City Council (Elected!)
Mike Schmidt for Multnomah County DA (Elected!)
Khanh Pham, Oregon House District 46 (Democratic Primary Winner!)